
Helpful Med Spa Tips and More

Lip Fillers in Frisco, TX

Lip fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments for women. Many women with thin lips are looking for effective and safe ways to plump their lips and make them appear fuller and more attractive.

Lip fillers can add volume to your lips and make your lips appear more beautiful.

Continue reading to learn more about lip fillers.



Botox Frisco, TX

Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment used to address wrinkles and fine lines. It gained popularity due to its effectiveness in tackling wrinkles and fine lines.

If you’re battling wrinkles and fine lines, we recommend getting Botox treatment at INJEXED Med Spa.

Continue reading to learn more about Botox at INJEXED Med Spa.


Facial Fillers For Wrinkles, Lips & Cheeks

Fillers in Frisco, TX

Fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are injectables used to fill in areas of the face that have lost volume. Loss of collagen in the skin can make the skin lose volume, resulting in wrinkles, lines, and hollow areas in the face.

Microneedling + PRP for Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling in Frisco, TX

Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment used to address a range of skin concerns as well as rejuvenate the skin. It is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments provided by beauty spas and skincare providers.

Continue reading to learn more about microneedling with...

Choose the right Wrinkle Relaxer At Injexed Medspa.png

Wrinkle Relaxers in Frisco, TX

Wrinkles are common cosmetic concerns among men and women. Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing. As you grow older, your skin loses collagen, resulting in wrinkles. Sun damage, smoking, and other environmental factors can also lead to wrinkles.

Wrinkles usually appear at the age of 40 and become more prominent at one age. However, wrinkles can also occur earlier in...

Semaglutide for weight loss - effectiveness & timeline

Semaglutide Reduces Excess Body Fat In People With Obesity

Semaglutide, also known as Wegovy, is a safe and effective prescription medication used to reduce excess fat in obese people.

It encourages weight loss by reducing appetite and making you feel full for a long period of time. Hence, it reduces your calorie intake, which ultimately leads to weight loss.


Laser Hair Removal Session

A single laser hair removal session is not enough to yield good results. Multiple treatments are usually necessary because hair growth and loss occur in a cycle. Laser treatment works best when hairs are in the anagen phase.


Laser hair removal in Frisco, TX

Shaving and waxing used to be the most common ways to remove unwanted hair from various body parts, but there are numerous downsides.

Hair starts to grow back in a few weeks after shaving or waxing, the pain of waxing can be uncomfortable; shaving can lead to ingrown hair, the risk of skin cut during shaving, and many more downsides.

Many people seek safer and more effective...

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It's time to face it ...

Facials are an important part of your skincare routine!

I know, I know ... you've heard it a million times, but hear me out!

It doesn't matter what skin type you have, female or male, facials help maintain your skin's health and appearance.

Here are just a few of the benefits of a facial:

Deep cleansing will help remove dirt, oil, and...

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Laser hair removal can be painful and feels like a rubberband is snapping your skin.

Not fun, right?

With our new Motus AZ+ laser, your laser hair removal treatment is painless, fast, and works on all skin types.

Something you want to think about before you invest in laser hair removal is what you're already spending to get rid of unwanted hair.

If you're waxing or sugaring, the time and cost investment are ongoing....

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Investing in lip fillers requires a financial commitment, but it doesn't have to break the bank.

The cost is dependent on your desired look and how much product you need for that vision – so ask yourself what final result are you working towards?

With some planning, achieving fuller lips can be more affordable than expected!

We will price it accordingly depending on what we decide is the best filler to add to your lips....


Everyone has an opinion about lip fillers and sometimes it's true and, well, sometimes it's a fiction.

Here are the top five myths about lip fillers.

1. It's Super Expensive

Lip Injections can cost anywhere from $699-800+. The cost is based on how much product is used, and who is injecting it. Here's the deal, depending on what type of look you're going for you don't need to do a full plump.

